Sum Elapsed * Number of Processors

Hours of not normalised wall-clock time consumed by jobs, including I/O, OS and other housekeeping tasks, multiplied by the number of logical cores used by the job.

Number of Jobs

Number of discrete jobs launched, independent on completion status.

Normalised Sum CPU

Hours of CPU time consumed in calculations by jobs, normalised using the <a href="">HEPSPEC06 benchmark</a>.


Hours of not normalised CPU time consumed by jobs.

Normalised Sum Elapsed

Hours of wall-clock time consumed by jobs, including I/O, OS and other housekeeping tasks, normalised using the <a href="">HEPSPEC06 benchmark</a>.

Normalised Sum Elapsed * Number of Processors

Hours of wall-clock time consumed by jobs, including I/O, OS and other housekeeping tasks, normalised using the <a href="">HEPSPEC06 benchmark</a> multiplied by the number of logical cores used by each job..

Sum Elapsed

Hours of not normalised wall-clock time consumed by jobs, including I/O, OS and other housekeeping tasks.

CPU Efficiency

Normalised Sum CPU / (Normalised Sum Elapsed * Number of Processors). It measures the percentage of running time of the process used to do actual computations.


Sum Elapsed * Number of Processors

Hours of wall-clock time consumed by jobs, including I/O, OS and other housekeeping tasks, multiplied by the number of logical cores used by each job..

Memory used

Amount of memory in bytes allocated by running VM instances.

Number of Virtual Machine

Number of VM instances running in the selected time period.

Sum Elapsed Time

Hours of not normalised wall-clock time consumed by jobs, including I/O, OS and other housekeeping tasks.

Memory cost

Estimated cost in € of the resources allocated in the infrastructure. Currently used only for informative aims.

Inbound Netwrok Traffic

Inbound network traffic in bytes towards running VM instances.

Outbound Netwrok Traffic

Outcoming network traffic in bytes from running VM instances.

Disk Used

Amount of storage in bytes allocated by running VMs instances.

Number of Processors

Number of logical cores used by each job multiplied by number of VM instances running in the selected time period..


Number of Jobs

Number of discrete jobs launched, independent on completion status.

Sum CPU Time

Hours of CPU Time as reported to APEL by the batch system.

Sum CPU Work HS06

(Same as "Normalized Sum CPU"). Sum of CPU Time Hours as reported to APEL by the batch system and multiplied by benchmarked HEPSPEC06.

Sum WallClock Time

(Same as "Sum elapsed * Number of processors"). Wallclock time as reported by the batch system. For some sites represent raw wallclock time defined as end time stamp of a particular job minus start time stamp and multiplied by number of processors. There are other sites which do not report raw wallclock time, but rather report raw wallclock time scaled by a batch system to a reference node. For such sites this metric currently shows scaled wallclock multiplied by number of processors.

Sum WallClock Work HS06

(Same as "Normalised Sum elapsed * Number of processors"). Wallclock time as reported by the batch system and multiplied by benchmarked HEPSPEC06 power of a given CPU resource and by number of processors. For some sites represent raw wallclock time defined as end time stamp of a particular job minus start time stamp and multiplied by number of processors. There are other sites which do not report raw wallclock time, but rather report raw wallclock time scaled by a batch system to a reference node. For such sites this metric currently shows scaled and Normalised Wallclock multiplied by Number of Processors

CPU Efficiency

100 * Sum CPU Time / Sum (Wallclock Time * Number of Processors).


Number of Virtual Machine

Number of VM instances running in the selected time period.

Sum Wall Hours (Elapsed Time)

Hours of not normalised wall-clock time consumed by jobs, including I/O, OS and other housekeeping tasks.

Monetary Cost

Estimated cost in € of the resources allocated in the infrastructure. Currently used only for informative aims.

Inbound Netwrok Traffic

Inbound network traffic in bytes towards running VM instances.

Outbound Netwrok Traffic

Outcoming network traffic in bytes from running VM instances.

Memory used

Amount of memory in bytes allocated by running VM instances.

Disk Used

Amount of storage in bytes allocated by running VMs instances.

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