The EGI Change and Release Deployment Management (ChaRDM) Process Introduction and Overview

This is the public homepage of the EGI Change and Release Deployment Management Process. Change management within the EGI’s production IT environment is extremely important in ensuring high-quality delivery of IT services.

The purpose of the IT Change Management Policy is to manage higher risk changes in a planned and predictable manner in order to assess risks, assign resources, and minimise any potential negative impact to services. This is done by requiring change requester to submit a Jira ticket including information about the change, which is then considered by the Change Advisory Board (CAB, a group of technical and strategic experts membership, decided by Services and Solution Board, who are tasked with reviewing proposed change requests and reviewing them and approving or rejecting the changes).

The CAB meets to assess and approve changes and is coordinated on the mailing list. 

Here is a brief introduction to the different change and release deployment management procedures. More details may be found in the CHM Procedure Pages and CHM Risk Page.

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