Dissemination level



This procedure describes the submission of the bulk of tickets to many sites ( Multisite Ticket). The ticket after submission will be cloned and sent as separate ticket to each site, which was selected during ticket editing. 


User has registered in the helpdesk and has an account with the role “ Multisites”.

Procedure Description 

The user with role “Multisites” opens a ticket in advanced interface with title "New Multisite Ticket": 

The required fields are marked "*", other fields are optional. If the user has already a VO role, the field "Affected VO" will be preselected. The user can specify "Notification mode" and add a list of "Notified groups", these groups will be notified about this ticket in addition. 

If the user selects CMS Sites in the field "CMS Sites Names", the CMS Sites are prioritized and tickets will be sent to the CMS Sites only.

It's important to select first field "Site Type" otherwise the field "Notified Sites" can stay empty after selection of filters in fields "NGIs", "Tier Levels". 

Procedure Instructions 

  1. Press "+" and choose "Multisite Ticket" 
  2. Prepare the ticket by filling TITLE and TEXT. 
  3. Choose the sites you would like to send the tickets by selection in fields "Site Type", "NGIs", "Tier Levels". 
  4. NOTIFIED SITES Field will be filled automatically, but feel free to edit it manually.
  5. Submit ticket by pressing "Create"

Expected Result 

  1. The notification mail for each submitted ticket is sent to the submitter ( to be changed in future to single mail containing all created tickets, to reduce spam to submitter). 
  2. The tickets are assiged to selected NGIs. 
  3. All selected sites in the list are notified.
  4. List of submitted tickets is available via link "Search related tickets":